Thursday, December 23, 2010


“Because you have kept my commandment to persevere...” (Revelation 3:10)

One of my favorite scenes from the movie Facing the Giants is the death crawl. Do you remember that scene in the movie where the coach blindfolds Brock and makes him crawl across the entire football field with his teammate on his back? There were many times that Brock wanted to quit and give up; it was straining and he felt like he had nothing left. But, his coach kept encouraging him to keep going and persevere until the end.When Brock finally made it to the end and realized he had crossed the entire field without quitting, his belief in himself, his team and his coach completely changed. He conquered something he thought was impossible and came out stronger. He persevered.

Perseverance is more than just endurance- it’s more than holding on with everything you’ve got until the end. It’s endurance combined with the absolute assurance and certainty that what we are looking for and fighting for will happen. Perseverance is defined in Webster’s dictionary as, “the steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, in spite of difficulties, trials and obstacles.” Despite difficulties, we persevere. Despite trials, we persevere. Despite obstacles, we persevere. We persevere toward our calling. We persevere to the voice of God.We persevere to the end.

Here’s a cool analogy I heard a couple of years ago about perseverance . Our life is in God’s hands like a bow and arrow in the hand’s of an archer. The archer is aiming at something the arrow cannot see, but the archer continues to stretch and strain- aiming at the target, while the arrow says, “I can’t take it anymore!” The archer pays no attention; he goes on stretching until his eye is on the target and his purpose for the arrow is in sight. Then, he lets the arrow fly; aiming at the target.

We have to be like a bow and arrow in the hand’s of the Lord; entrusting ourself to God. Even when it’s dark and we can’t see the light and He’s stretching and straining us. Trust Him. Persevere! He has His eye on the prize. He can see the target ahead, even when we can’t. Keep going! The prize is ahead! If we could just grasp that, how much easier would it be to trust God in every situation and continue to persevere.

“Consider it pure joy my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:2-4)

James explains that perseverance is the product of faith being tested. While nobody enjoys being tested and stretched in their faith, James says, “Consider it pure joy”, for perseverance makes the soul, “mature and complete.” But, we must finish. We have to complete the task ahead of us.

Is there something in your life right now where you need perseverance? We need to proclaim in confidence like Job did, “Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him.” (Job 13:15) There is a call to spiritual perseverance. A call not to hang on and do nothing, but to work steadfastly, knowing with certainty He will never be defeated and we will come out stronger.It’s going to take everything you’ve got to persevere, but know with perfect assurance that He has his eye on the prize and He aiming you towards it.

Perseverance is strong and confident, built on the knowledge that God is perfect love. Even though we can’t physically see Him right now and don’t understand what He’s doing, we know Him. We trust Him. It’s throwing yourself completely abandoned into the arms of Christ knowing that He is who He says He is. “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalms 46:10)



  1. Wow! Perfect timing for a very encouraging and eye opening Word from the Lord. You amaze me and the Lord is pleased with you. You always allow Jesus to shine through you... so others will be drawn to Him. :)

  2. Hayley: You are such a good writer! This article is so on target and very anointed. I would love to share it on my Would you mind?
